How Can We Work Together?

  • On the Spot Coaching

    On the Spot Coaching is designed for people who need quick actionable advice without the commitment of long-term coaching programs. It's a one-call, one problem solution for when you feel stuck and just need someone to help you pivot and move forward.

    Here’s how it works:

    One and Done: No long-term commitments, no recurring sessions. It’s a single, focused conversation to get clarity on a specific issue. You bring your challenge, and we’ll work through it together in a straightforward, practical way.

    Outside Perspective: Sometimes you’re too close to the problem to see the way out. I’ll be that outside perspective, helping you identify the core of the issue, and offering fresh insights you might not have considered.

    Quick, Efficient, Effective: In just one call, we’ll cut through the noise and focus on solutions. You’ll walk away with the clarity and confidence to take your next step.

    No Strings Attached: You’re busy, and you don’t need to add another commitment to your plate. With On the Spot Coaching, you get the help you need, when you need it, without the pressure to continue beyond that single session.

    It’s perfect for people who need to pivot, solve a challenge, or get a fresh perspective—quickly.

  • Six-Week Coaching Program: Get Your Life Moving Again

    Feeling stuck? In six weeks, we’ll figure out where you are and what you need to reignite your passion for life. It’s easier than you think!

    Here’s how it works:

    Assess Your Situation – One client was unsure about her career, but we identified her what she was looking for in the first session.

    Set Clear Goals – A recent client wanted to launch a side business. By week two, we had a solid plan.

    Take Weekly Steps – By breaking things down weekly, you will find that you will gain control over your life again.

    Build Momentum – We start with small wins like a morning routine, then think even bigger as we go along.

    Celebrate Wins – By the end, you’ll feel energized, just like my client who went from unmotivated to clear and excited about her future.

I coach women just like you, one-on-one, once a week via Zoom.  We get to the bottom of everything.

I would love to tell you how coaching has changed my life.  I still look forward to my weekly calls with my coach.  

Sometimes we talk about the big things–like my goals or my son with special needs– and sometimes we talk about things like that email that rubbed me the wrong way or my never-ending drama with my weight.

Either way, I get redirected and am ready to face my week ahead with direction and much more confidence.

I will say it again…Everyone needs a life coach.  Let me be yours.